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Warta Internet Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Kegiatan Melayu Balai Rakyat Fuchun


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People's Association

Marsiling Grassroots Organisation


The Association of Muslim Professionals

Majlis Pusat Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Budaya Melayu Singapura

Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisations Singapore


Persatuan Persuratan Pemuda-Pemudi Melayu 

Malay Youth Literary Association


Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura 

Islamic Religious Council of Singapore


Persatuan Ulama & Guru Guru Agama Islam (Singapura)

Singapore Islamic Scholars & Religious Teachers Association


MKAC (Muslim Kidney Action Committee)


Darul Arqam - The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore


Jamiyah - The Muslim Missionary Society of Singapore




National Youth Council, Singapore


ECitizen - One-Stop Citizen Service Portal


The official website of the Government of the Republic of Singapore


The website of the Inland Revenue of Singapore











People's Association

On 1 July 1960, the People's Association (PA) was formed to help foster racial harmony and social cohesion to form the basis for nation building. The PA through the community centres, crystallised the first units of the building bricks for a nation in the making.

PA's Mission

To promote active citizenship and multiracial harmony.

To connect the citizens for community bonding and volunteer work.

To provide affordable access to lifeskill and lifestyle activities.

To bring the people closer to one another and to the government.



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The website of Government-Related Organisations in Marsiling Constituency




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The website of YAYASAN MENDAKI a foundation dedicated towards developing a self-reliant successful and morally strong Malay/Muslim community in multi-racial Singapore through improvement in the education, social, cultural and economic conditions of the community.



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The website of The Association of Muslim Professionals - a community self-help group established on 10 October 1991 as a company limited by guarantee. AMP is granted the status of an Institution of Public Character and is registered as a charitable organisation. It is also an affiliate of the National Council of Social Service (NCSS). The association is spearheaded by a Board of Directors who are volunteers and supported by other volunteers, activists and full-time personnel.

AMP's vision is to bring about a model Muslim minority community.


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Majlis Pusat Pertubuhan-pertubuhan Budaya Melayu Singapura

The website Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisations Singapore

Majlis Pusat dirasmikan pada 12 April 1969 dengan dianggotai sebanyak 37 persatuan. Ia berfungsi sebagai pusat sumber dan penyelaras untuk anggota-anggota sekutunya menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti mereka tanpa duplikasi.


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The website of Persatuan Persuratan Pemuda-Pemudi Melayu (Malay Youth Literary Association)

4PM's mission

  • Providing a holistic range of services to better the community Inculcating leadership qualities in all members. 
  • Moulding the youth into useful and good citizens by involving them in productive activities
  • Highlighting to the youth the importance of community service and attracting them to be volunteers



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The website of Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura 

     (Islamic Religious Council of Singapore) 



  • Towards a Muslim Community of Excellence.


  • To fullfil its roles as the supreme Islamic authority of Singapore and to guide in the building of an exemplary Muslim community.

Strategic Intents

  • Establish a leadership position in Islamic matter

  • Inculcate Islamic Faith (Iman)

  • Maintain a harmonious working relationship with other communities

  • Create synergy with other Muslim organizations

  • Promote the overall well-being of the community

  • Assist the Muslim community in progressing with the developments in Singapore.


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Persatuan Ulama & Guru Guru Agama Islam (Singapura)

Singapore Islamic Scholars & Religious Teachers Association


PERGAS' objectives as stipulated in our constitution are:
  • To strengthen relations between PERGAS and other associations.
  • To elevate the status of the Islamic religious teachers.
  • To Co-ordinate efforts pertaining to all Islamic religious teachers.
  • To encourage welfare works and sports
  • To co-operate with other Islamic organisations, which share common objectives with PERGAS.
  • To define and comment on issues relating to Islam and Islamic viewpoints
  • To spread the teachings of Islam.



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In October 1990, the MKAC or Muslim Kidney Action Committee was formed, following the public forum on 'The Religious, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Organ Transplantation'. More than 1,300 participants, mostly Muslims, attended this forum which highlighted that there was a need to generate support for Muslim kidney patients, and to raise awareness on issues relating to kidney disease, as well as kidney pledging, donation and transplantation. Its formation was supported by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS).


To enhance the spirit of humanitarianism by helping kidney patients in the Muslim community through preventive and education programmes.


  • To increase awareness among Singapore Muslims on issues relating to kidney disease, pledging and transplantation.
  • To work with the National Kidney Foundation, Singapore (NKF) to help Singapore Muslim kidney patients.
  • To promote kidney pledging amongst Singapore Muslims.


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Darul Arqam - The Muslim Converts' Association of Singapore

The objects of the Association are:

To provide religious guidance and to render assistance to members as may be necessary

To organize religious, literary, and/or recreational activities, and to publish Islamic articles and/or literature

To participate and provide welfare services for the community where necessary

To represent the interest of all Muslim converts residing in Singapore



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Jamiyah - The Muslim Missionary Society of Singapore

Over the years, our membership surged to 35,000 members reflecting the community's support and confidence in JAMIYAH.

Today, JAMIYAH's activities encompass various educational, religious, welfare and social programmes. Support for JAMIYAH comes from the government, philanthropic organisations both locally and overseas, other Muslims and non-Muslim bodies, individual donors and well-wishers enabling us to serve for the betterment of the community, in particular the less fortunate.

Our various community functions throughout the year such as the Maulid Tea get-together, The Hari Raya Party, Annual Food-fair Carnival, Charity Dinners brought community leaders and citizens of all races closer together in the spirit of togetherness and social cohesion.


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The aims and objectives of MUHAMMADIYAH are as follows:

  • To function as a religious 'reformation' movement and missionary agency.
  • To function as an agent of social change.
  • To function as a formal and informal education centre.
    Detailed measures in th effort of achieving the said objectives are as follows:
  • To champion and implement Islamic thoughts, culture and values in line with the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. To eliminate all forms of innovations, superstitions and fantastic notions which are the vestiges and influences of the pre-Islamic ancient Malay culture, as well as new creations and REgionalism contrary to the teachings of Islam.
  • In terms of philosophy, Faith and Islamic Monotheism exhort a mental stand that does not divide religion and the world. Issue of divinity cannot be isolated fromthe law of the country and society, to which accordingly Allah says: "Hablumninallah wa habluminnannas" (The rope of Allah and the rope of men") This is the aim of Muhammadiyah as a 'reformist' body.
  • Foster closer relationship among Islamic Instituition in order to improve the status of the People (Ummah)


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The website of National Youth Council, Singapore 



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One-Stop Citizen Service Portal


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The official website of the Government of the Republic of Singapore



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The website of the Inland Revenue of Singapore




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Jadual Kegiatan Dairi Kegiatan Kami | Acara Akan Datang |

Rangkaian Kami | Borang Penyertaan



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