Borang Penyertaan

Warta Internet Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Kegiatan Melayu 

Balai Rakyat Fuchun

  Fuchun Community Centre


Blk 167 Woodlands Street 11 #02-25

Singapore 730167 Tel: 2693513 Fax: 3657472


Application for



What Activity? Please State:


What Course? Please State:


Course Level?


Full Name as in NRIC:

Tel. No. (Residence) : 

Tel. No. (Office) :

E-mail, if any:


Postal Code





Marital Status: 

NRIC No./ FIN No./ Birth Cert. No.

* S: Singapore F: Foreigner

** FIN: Foreign Identification No. issued to Foreigner on employment pass, 

work permit, dependent pass, student pass etc. 

NRIC Colour:



Language Stream:

Educational Level:


Occupational Status:



Are you a member of our community centre? 

Statement In Support of Your Application: (Optional)


By submitting this form electronically or by other means, I expressly understand and agree that this submission is an application only subject to approval of Fuchun Community Centre, Singapore, and/or People's Association, Singapore. Official acceptance of this application will be notified in writing. I understand and agree that any official acceptance or rejection of this application is final and non-contestable.





Lelaman Utama | Sekapur Sirih | Anggota Jawatankuasa   | Jadual Kegiatan  | Dairi Kegiatan Kami

Acara Akan Datang | Rangkaian Kami | Borang Penyertaan

Hubungi kami di:

Tel: 2693513
Fax: 3657472

Blk 167 Woodlands St 11 #02-25 Singapore 730167