Fuchun Community Club


Official Opening


Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong

on Sunday, 8 June 2003


Internet Newsletter of Fuchun Community Centre 

Malay Activity Executive Committee

Prime Minister Goh was warmly received by Mr Hawazi Daipi, grassroot leaders and thousands of residents at Fuchun CC The Prime Minister watching a concert put up by Fuchun CC and 7 schools in Marsiling Division Malay Zapin Dance by Fuchun CC MAEC presented to the Prime Minister


A Silat Welcome for the PM accompanied by the beat of

Kompang presented by youth of Fuchun CC MAEC


The Prime Minister & other VVIPs facing the audience at the Carnival Mr Yahya Hamid, Vice-Chairman of Fuchun CCMC, explaining to PM Goh the photos put up for Exhibition of Fuchun CC from 1962 to the present.   The Prime Minister talking to Marsiling grassroot leaders before lunch is served. Prime Minister Goh flanked by Mr Hawazi Daipi, MP for Sembawang GRC & Advisor to Marsiling GROs, and Mr Cheong Khim Teck, Chairman of Marsiling CCC. The Prime Minister and Marsiling Citizens' Consultative Committee.


8th of June 2003 is a very important milestone in the History of Marsiling and, in particular, Fuchun CC which was indeed honoured to receive the Honourable Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong as Guest of Honour to officially open Fuchun Community Club at its new premises at Woodlands St 31.  For more photos: Click Here


More than 40 years ago on the 19th of November 1962, Fuchun Community Club then known as Hock Choon Village Community Centre, became the first rural community centre when it was officially opened by Singapore's First Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. For photo of Mr Lee Kuan Yew officially opening Hock Choon Village CC then:  Click Here




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 Contact us at:

Tel: 63656911
Fax: 63657472

1, Woodlands Street 31, Singapore 738581

Email: fuchunccmaec@marsiling.org.sg