On Saturday, 21 June 2003, Fuchun CC MAEC was
proud to present its very own Cultural Showcase 2003 - Pentas Budaya Melayu
2003. Headed by Cultural Showcase Sub-committee Chairperson, Madam
Roziah Samad, the night showcased the talents and efforts of members of
Fuchun CC MAEC - its committee members, volunteers and youths. The time,
effort and commitment put up by everyone involved in the showcase was most
Although all members played their part in
making the cultural showcase a reality, Special Appreciation must be given
to Mdm Roziah Samad, Mr Subor Karaman, Mr Rahim Rashad, Mdm Maznah Shahar,
Mdm Sanisah Misonap, Mr Zaharudin Ayob, Mr Nasir Wagiman and Mr Amir Kassim
who worked tirelessly to make the showcase a success. Thank You, Everyone!!